
Shin splints treatment in Gatton

SHIN SPLINTS Do your shins throb or ache after your daily run or just sprinting to catch the kids?It could be shin splints. The cause is stress on your shinbone and the connective tissues that attach muscles to your shin bone. They get inflamed, swollen and painful.This common problem can result from:• Flat feet: when […]

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Achilles Tendonitis treatment in Gatton

If you are looking for Achilles tendonitis  treatment in Gatton, the information below will help you make a better decision, as well as help you avoid unnecessary and expensive healthcare treatment. What is Achilles Tendonitis and what causes it? The Achilles tendon is a large cord-like tendon at the back of your ankle. It attaches […]

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Proper hydration & nutrition can help prevent ski injuries

Skiing is a great form of exercise that works out many parts of the body while allowing you to experience the outdoors during the colder parts of the year. There are many steps to ensuring a successful day - and season - on the slopes, including the use of appropriate clothing, proper protective gear, and […]

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